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The solar eclipse in the embrace of Saturn gives us wings to break through barriers

01 November 2013 / 15:11:02  GRReporter
7723 reads

    In this article I will present the astrological picture for the period 1 to 30 November. I will start as usual with the general picture as a whole and then I will make individual forecasts.
    In the previous article I informed you that October would contain a strong impulse for personal glory and warlike attitudes. I expected that the differences between the world's greatest political leaders would awaken again, with no particular desire for concessions and compromises. The ambition would be to break through the barriers imposed, both symbolically and literally. In the event of this happening, the purpose would be unification and imposition of personal superiority. This topic, namely the momentum to break through the barriers in some direction, was important for individual persons too.
    The new moon in early October charged the entire month with a lot of creative energy - "To find what you are looking for and to see it in your hands." So, for many people, October was the month when they would find what they had been looking for, some would find themselves in trouble, whereas others would find a "gold treasure".
    In addition, there was a lunar eclipse on 19 October. Lunar eclipses mark the moments when long-term projects and tasks, important reforms and reorganizations are being put into practice. They are related to the completion of something initiated. The people born between 12 and 18 of April and between 15 and 21 of October would be most strongly affected personally. The symbolism of this eclipse would be associated with a rapid solution and with a high-speed course of events that would miraculously bring relief somehow. There was a kind of impetus in it and all who were personally affected would feel like switching to another gear, to a new level of activity.
    What will November bring?
    The first and most important planetary event is the second solar eclipse of the year. The months in which eclipses occur generally mark the general atmosphere of the year. This eclipse will be on 3 November, in the sign of Scorpio. A very important element in it is the close "embrace" of Saturn. This combination occurs every 11 years, but in different signs. The symbolism of this eclipse is related to "breakthroughs". It sneaked in in October, will expand in November and will reverberate in the coming months. To have the courage to break through the barriers imposed – this is the intention of Nature. It is charged with a kind of evolution, as it is possible only when we, the people, fight to break through our personal barriers and fears and to accept them.
    More than 30 years ago, in 1979, during a solar eclipse in the company of Saturn again, but that time in Virgo, Pink Floyd created the famous track Another Brick in the Wall. The present situation is almost identical and their music is becoming increasingly popular.

Tags: Solar eclipse on 3 NovemberSaturnAstrological forecast for NovemberGhaliAstro schoolIndividual horoscopePlanetsZodiac signs
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