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Pyrrhic Wedding During a Crisis Aboard a Historic Ship

16 June 2010 / 11:06:09  GRReporter
13208 reads

Photos from the wedding party on board of “Averof” shocked the politicians and the public and led to the dismissal of the skipper, who was director of the museum ship in recent years. It all started because of the party on board to celebrate the wedding of Marietta Hrusala and Leon Patitsas, who is from the family of shipping kings.  

Patitsas shipping company asked the Central staff of the naval forces half a year ago to issue a permit to organize a celebration in the frameworks of the maritime exhibition Poseidon 2010. The celebration was on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the first course of the naval “Averof”. But the pictures of girls in mini skirts dancing in the whirl, the deck decorated with white flowers, tables with wedding bonbons and the dancing stage made it completely clear that it was not a boring ceremony on the occasion of the anniversary.

Models wearing mini-skirts in seaman style welcomed the guests, but the Minister of Defence Evangelos Venizelos was mostly annoyed because of the behavior of the skipper Evangelos Gavalas, who allowed the party to be unleashed. Immediately after the publication of the pictures the captain, who was director of the museum ship “Averof” since 2008, received his resignation. What happened on the ship was described as extremely challenging by the Minister of Defence, who also said that “it is offensive to the prestige and honor of the armed  forces, but also offensive to the patriotic feelings of the Greeks.” According to Mr. Venizelos the party of the shipping magnates with models wearing mini-dresses on the symbol vessel demonstrates that Greek society is very superficial and often enchanted by the power of money.

The Patitsas family, on its part, and especially the mother Mary Lemu-Patitsas responded uncompromisingly to the publications. She said that the family organized a party on the deck of the ship not for the first time and that when her guests danced two years ago, nobody was mentioning it. “They make a mountain out of a molehill. I have nothing to answer the nagging comments. Unfortunately, some people are not able to appreciate some things,” said Mrs. Patitsas.

Tags: NewsSocietyShipping kingsWeddingShipAverofParty
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