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American and British antiterrorists against Greek anarchists

20 February 2009 / 15:02:56  GRReporter
2310 reads

The Greek government is considering seeking help from American and British antiterrorism experts after the last two appearances of the organization “Revolutionary Fight” and the seceded from them Revolutionists Sect in Athens. 14 bullets were shot by four masked men in the attack against the private TV station ALTER. The handmade bomb, which they threw, did not explode. After less than 10 hours, other terrorists parked a car full of explosives in Citi Bank’s parking lot in Athens. The detonation was prevented after the bank security called the police.

Experts claim that the tens kilograms of explosive could have brought the whole building down, many nearby building could have been damaged, many people could have lost their lives and the explosion wave could have caused many car accidents in the nearby Athens-Thessaloniki highway. All this could have happened at 06:45am (the time set on the bomb)—in other words, before the beginning of the working day in the bank. The security cameras in the bank’s parking lot show all four terrorists wearing wigs and motorcycle helmets. The videos have been given to experts from Scotland Yard, who have special decoding cameras, which can provide information about the terrorist’s faces and basic body characteristics.

The Greek police states that the terrorists were not trained properly on how to work with explosives because this is the third case where an installed by them devise does not explode. This fact is not a reason for the authorities to relax. According to them, the last attacks are a type of training for the terrorists and it is believed they are preparing a serious hit, which will bring victims.

The police believe there is a connection between the action style of the organization “Revolutionary Fight” and the seceded from them Revolutionists Sect with some of the terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Also, the attempt to blow up Citi Bank looks very much like the attacks in Baghdad and Kabul. This why today, for the first time after the organization “November 17th” was destroyed, the Greek police is appealing towards the public to give any information about suspicious people and suspicious places where someone can purchase unusual products. Anyone who has contacted the police with information will be kept anonymous.

The antiterrorist forces are on high alert and are on the tracks of many anarchists in Exarhia and other neighborhoods in Athens.


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