More than 30 000 treasures of the Greek Church can be found in the digital map, which was presented in the Byzantium Museum. The website is a product of the joint work of the nongovernmental organization of the Greek Church “Solidarity” and OTE. The project is executed within the European program “Information society” and 20% of the expenses were taken by the national budget. The project was one of the dreams of the deceased archbishop Hristodoulos, who started it. Now that the project is done and the website is available online, archbishop is Yeronimos, who said in the official opening that “the cultural richness of the Greek Church is a national heritage for Greece.” It will be accessible to everyone online – to specialists and scientists and to everyone, who is curious to see the website:, which has the three language option – Greek, English, and Russian.
Rare manuscripts
The user of the website is able to look through some rare manuscripts and prints, which are hard or even impossible to be found and used by people in libraries. The book catalog is still small – right now 135 manuscripts and 59 old print books are uploaded. Only in the library of the monastery of Prophet Illya in Santorini there are more manuscripts! But in the uploaded on the website manuscripts and documents, together with the name, the information about the number of pages, content, place where they are kept, and bibliography are included.
Relics and iconography
Icons, crosses, wooden altars, relics – all of those are representative of the Church art and next to their image there is a detailed explanation of their historic background. Over 30 000 relics of great cultural importance are presented in the digital map of the Greek Church. There are images as well as blueprints of temples and monasteries, mostly from the further away regions in the mountains and villages in Greece. The website also gives the opportunity to find educational materials and materials about learning more about the Byzantine music.
Right next to the 30 000 relics, there are constantly new additions. The digital map also shows the places, where the included relics could be seen and also the road, which leads to the monasteries. The digital map gives the public the opportunity to learn about the rich Greek tradition. Monuments and different objects are also shown, which is important for their preservation.