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Mandatory every three day leave for all soldiers

08 September 2009 / 16:09:42  GRReporter
2716 reads


An order by the chief of the Army's general staff Frangos Frangoulis came out few days ago, which requires all barrack commanders to release all soldiers for a paid leave every three days.

As Ta Nea newspapers explains, during the last few months the situation in almost all barracks has been "on the edge" because there is not enough staff. There were also some complaints that commanders do not release soldiers for leaves for 20 or even 30 days.

In order to solve the problem Mr. Frangoulis issued an order, which states that al soldiers must go on a leave every three days and if this is absolutely impossible then they should at least get out of the barracks for few hours.

The order also says that professional soldiers should not work night shifts more than seven times per month.


Tags: NewsSociety
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