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Lawyers are still awaiting the indictment in the case of 4-year-old Ani Borisova

05 January 2016 / 12:01:28  GRReporter
3131 reads

Anastasia Balezdrova

The trial for the murder of 4-year-old Ani Borisova that shocked Greece early last May is due to begin in the coming months, as stated by lawyers related to the case for GRReporter.

They expressed confidence that the Greek judicial authorities would speed up the trial so that it starts before the end of the 12-month period of detention in custody of Ani’s mother Dimitrina Borisova and father Stanislav Bakardjiev.

Panagiotis Chrisikakis, the defender for the father, stated for GRReporter that the Athens prosecutor's office had not yet issued the indictment. Thessaloniki lawyer Sevdalina Tcherneva - Tsirona confirmed this information, noting that the act would be issued very soon as the investigation was completed about two weeks ago. She said she was related to the case but did not specify how.

The fate of 4-year-old Ani Borisova occupied the attention of the Greek public and media on 26 April when she was reported missing and the Greek organization "The Smile of the Child" sent an Amber Alert within the European network of organizations that care for children in danger.

The initial claims of the mother Dimitrina Borisova that the child was missing were quickly refuted after the appearance of the father Stanislav Bakardjiev and the Greek police revealed horrifying details about Ani’s murder after the interrogations. According to the defender for Stanislav, he had admitted that he had annihilated the body but had not killed the child.

At the same time, the defenders for Ani’s parents urged the judicial authorities to summon and question Stanislav’s friend Nazif Ahmedov, who is known as "Niki" and "witness Nikolay" and who was in his flat on the night of the murder. A publication in the Greek tabloid Espresso makes clear that Nazif, who is in Bulgaria, has replied in the district prosecutor's office in Gabrovo to the questions sent by the Greek investigator. According to sources of the newspaper, he has contradicted himself not only in terms of Stanislav Bakardjiev’s testimony but also of his own initial testimony that he had provided on the Greek - Bulgarian border. As a result, the Greek judicial authorities have issued a European arrest warrant for him.

Who killed Ani and what exactly happened in the days around last Easter will become clear in the courtroom. The media are disseminating various versions of the events but GRReporter points out that criminal investigation secrecy is in force in Greece and even lawyers have strictly limited and regulated access to the investigation.

Tags: Crime newsThe murder of Ani BorisovaTrialIndictmentStanislav BakardjievDimitrina BorisovaNazif Ahmedov
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