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In July we succeed where we have failed

01 July 2015 / 15:07:32  GRReporter
6022 reads


This article will introduce you to the astrological picture for the period 1-31 July. I will start with the general picture as a whole and then make individual forecasts.

In the previous article I informed you that greater chaos would be possible in June because of the active movement of people in search of the better "smell and taste," following their desire to do this or that, to begin and initiate. Various scandals, intrigues, sharp rises and falls would be possible as well. Communication would be much more intense, roads much more populated than usual, so there was an increased risk of accidents.

The Sun and Mars formed a conjunction in mid-June. This astronomical event is important because it is like an energy "bomb" that catalyzes activity and lots of action. The conjunction of the Sun and Mars occurred in Gemini. In public and political terms, this was a sign that there would be a serious risk of conflicts between neighbouring countries, of disturbing relations with close countries and establishing more stable ones with others. Communicating internationally would be changing. On the other hand, the Sun and Mars in conjunction form a very strong and powerful creative spark. In Gemini, it contributes towards the development of new ideas, innovation, starting up new creative processes, forming a different concept of social development and forms of existence.

June would be quite a hot month, both literally and symbolically. In this regard, climatic and natural phenomena would be possible, mainly related to fire and water, volcanic activity, floods and fires.

What to expect in July 2015?
The first half of July will remain in line with the last days of June, full of many initiatives, impulses for action, intensive movement and increased personal assertiveness. The second half seems to be more important, as it sets conditions for the development of interesting events. The basic principle that will be in force will be to succeed where there has been a failure or to fail, where there has been a success. Therefore, if you are considering taking some action, do not be led by the fact that someone else has succeeded or failed before you. The same is true in terms of your own successes and failures.

The new moon that will form the atmosphere in the second half of the month will occur in an area which is called "again; to return, to renew something." But be careful as an old conflict can be renewed. July is also the month in which you receive gifts from fate. So, if something comes to you without any effort, without you expecting it or wanting it, take it, you will need it.

The retrograde phase of Venus will start at the end of the month but it will be felt from the first days of July. All kinds of relationships will enter a period of reassessment, reconsideration. In socio-political terms, diplomacy and international relations will be affected too, coming to a standstill. All kinds of negotiations, agreements and contracts will enter a phase of reconsideration. There are significant chances to succeed where there has been a failure, what is done for the second time will obtain assistance and support. New ventures will be at risk of initial failure and success in them may be delayed more than expected.

Previously unresolved marital and intimate problems will return in private life, as well as memories of past love and previous relationships. Newly-established relations in July will be accompanied by hidden dangers, so if you are passionately starting a new relationship, keep in mind that it can be just a summer affair.

Venus is in the company of Jupiter, and all this is happening in Leo, the sign of love, creativity and creation, which leads to intense activity in this direction. This pair of planets has its negative side as it incites to some negligence, laziness and extravagance. Certainly, most people may be apparently reluctant to be occupied with work and responsibilities, therefore embarking on living an easy life.

Now I will write how July will affect the different sectors in the zodiac, the topics it will provoke and the type of events you can expect. I will make a brief analysis of all of them.
Find your date of birth in the descriptions below.

29 December - 9 January
July will bring a focus and new circumstances mostly related to personal and professional relationships and partnerships, contracts and alliances. Opportunities will open up to you, which may confuse you at first, but thanks to them, you will be able to make significant progress. The financial conditions will be slightly unstable, so be careful with regard to long-term plans. Your private life will be very intensive and active.

10 January - 22 January
July will bring a focus and new circumstances mostly related to your daily life and routine, job and business commitments. An irritating month is in store for you in which you will have to deal with challenges almost on a daily basis. Nevertheless, it will open up better opportunities for you in terms of career development, occupation or education. The financial conditions will stabilize during the month and you may even think of new projects. Your private life will be more intensive, you will achieve some success.

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