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Holidays are coming up again...

16 December 2009 / 15:12:32  GRReporter
2715 reads

Without a doubt, the festive atmosphere is everywhere and everybody is discussing how to spend these days, which have become synonymous with family obligations, social events, fun activities and gifts. But perhaps some people among us do not experience this exciting enthusiasm from the upcoming holidays because they are stressed this suppresses them.

More precisely, they experience the festive atmosphere as if their nerves and patience are put to the test this certainly is a symptom of chronic stress and even depression. The truth is that in science the term ‘advent depression’ does not exist and it is not a diagnosis or a specific medical condition, explains psychologist Athanasia Skarvelaki for Kathimerini newspaper.

However, this condition is a sum of factors and occurs during the holidays and sometimes this melancholy does not disappear when the holidays are over. Christmas turns into another opportunity to unlock negative accumulations, which will occur in the form of melancholy and irritability. In order to get to this point, within us anxieties have built up, which come into full compliance with the elevated mood during those days - sometimes it is overexposed so that consumers can rush to the stores and shop and this makes it look “planted” and fake.

Despite everything we impose that "we have to have fun because it is the holiday season", while at the same time, our finances are in the red zone and concerns related to work and family confuse us with the “high” feeling of this festive and cheerful mood. Moreover, during these days of the year we invest all we miss during the regular days and increase the bar on our expectations, which by itself is impossible, because reality does not improve only with dreams and wishes.

The lack of free time combined with the obligations for pre-holiday shopping, parties and family and friends gatherings, are reinforcing a sense of tension and nerve-racking. And the end result is that the Christmas holidays increase the existing stress and most logically may lead to depression.

Tags: Stress depression Christmas holiday shopping
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