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"Evga" ice-cream factory on fire

14 September 2009 / 13:09:12  GRReporter
6086 reads


Tick smoke covered the Athens sky this morning. The smoke came from the Evga ice-cream factory, where there was fire. 19 firefighting trucks and 60 firemen are trying to put out the fire, which was caused by an explosion on the first floor of the factory.

The factory is close to the center of the city, on Iera Odos Blvd, which is one of the most central boulevards. In order to ensure the safety of all drivers and to assist the firemen, the police closed off the region around the factory.

The bomb exploded at 06:50AM on the first floor of the factory where the administration offices are situated. At this moment, three employees were coming to the factory in order to start their normal work day. All employees working inside the factory manages to get out unharmed. One of the three people, who were going to work, was injured in the eye and taken to the hospital with breathing problems.

The Evga dairy factory employs 350 people, who are threatened to be left without a job, because as it seems the damages are a lot - the fire reached the second floor and the whole factory is on fire. The reasons for the fire are still unknown.


Tags: NewsCrime news
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