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Christmas tale for Hope

25 December 2009 / 14:12:08  GRReporter
6475 reads

Eleni is my neighbor. She works in the food store next to the apartment building I live in. Every day I see her talking to the people in the store and every time she is very communicative. Today, however she is different. She is more cheerful and more optimistic, like she is expecting something to happen. I know that recently she is in love, even though not happily. I stopped by the store, not for anything else, but to talk for a while, because there is something very exciting in the words exchanged shortly before the great holidays like Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Eleni greeted me joyfully, as if she hadn’t seen me for a long time, and then asked the client with such excitement what he wanted to buy that she didn’t even listen until the end of his answer. Despite of her “mature” age, Eleni has been unhappily in love with a man, who didn’t call her often enough on the phone and it was always her, who had to take the initiative… And she wished that he would make the first steps and be a bit more romantic with her…

I know Eleni’s story almost by heart, however this time I wished to her that this Christmas and New Year holidays would make this stubborn guy make a move. Eleni said with a sigh “I don’t thing that anything would change, but let’s see…. Let’s not loose hope!”

HOPE! – I thought to myself… Yes, Hope! You never stop hoping. Especially during holidays. I left the store of my neighbor Eleni with high spirit and headed for the center of Athens to meet Her – the hope. 

I stopped in front of the entrance of the neighborhood theatre Ilisia. Here in a usual weekday you could meet a lot of actors. But today there is no one. Just one old man. On his old aluminum backing dish he was slowly turning one by one chestnuts. I bought few and I asked him why was he standing outside selling on this holyday. I didn’t think anyone would buy chestnuts just today.

 “What am I to do dear girl! There are no people. But somebody could pass, somebody like you and buy…” The old man didn’t mention the hope, however she was in his bright eyes. She – the hope warmed up his wrinkled face with soft, genuine smile. I took on the wide way to the center of the town and started to eat happily my chestnuts. I was thinking of the old man and the hope.

And about some lines that we often like to repeat like “vain hopes” or “too good is not so good” and I felt pity for the HOPE itself. I hope she doesn’t leave, because what else if not the hope could keep man alive?
And how scary the world would be without her!

The southern sun was shining and was distracting me from my thoughts about the Christmas spirit. Instead of snow on the branches of the trees there were oranges, and instead of kids with sleds around me were passing motorcycles. And still, very soon it will be Christmas. And Christmas is hope for everyone. Who said that it is old fashion concept…? And that only fools rely on it. “I prefer to lack success than belief” said once Seneca and I would add the hope. I think that she should even be fashionable. If not yet than somebody should introduce her right away.

To all the readers of GRREPORTER we dedicate the pome of Gianni Rodari “Hope” and we wish that She – the hope will shine in their hearts as a Christmas Bengal light.

Seller of Hope

If I could have one

Little store with two shelfs

I would sell… guess what?

Hope! Hope for everyone


“Buy! With discount for you!

Everyone should have hope!”

And to everyone I would give,

As much as three should have.


And to this has no money

And is just looking from outside

I would give for no money

All the hope that I have.


Tags: Christmas HopeSociety
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