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Another three HIV positive women practiced the ancient craft

30 April 2012 / 22:04:35  GRReporter
4709 reads

Today Greek authorities discovered another three HIV positive women, who were practicing the oldest profession in the streets around central Athens Omonia Square. Both of them are Greek and the third one - Bulgarian. The names and photos of the detainees are currently not available.

Over the weekend, the sanitary authorities arrested 22 year-old Russian woman, who knew she is infected with the HIV virus and despite that she was working as a prostitute in a brothel. Greek police distributed the photo of Tatiana Buktoiarova and only for one day 700 men contacted the Centre for epidemiological diseases. Some of them even admitted that they enjoyed the services of Tatiana without resorting to the use of condoms. Several allegations are raised against the Russian, including that of a deliberate injury. The girl was left in custody after disposition of the prosecutor.

Police in Athens have launched a massive inspection of brothels, having found that health authorities have repeatedly closed the workplace of Tatiana Buktoiarova precisely because of drastic hygiene deficiencies. Her colleagues did not have licenses to practice the craft and were unable to provide regular health books.

From the 91 checked prostitutes today, three were found to be HIV positive. According to the police the women did not resist the inspections in any way. Authorities opened special telephone lines for customers of brothels in the area of ​​ "St. Panteleimon" and "America" squares ​​and Metaksourgio district, where people can get directions where to go to get tested for AIDS and HIV.

Tags: HIV AIDS prostitution Greece Russia Bulgaria
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