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After bankers in cassocks came the censorships in cassocks

18 February 2009 / 16:02:35  GRReporter
2973 reads

The scandals around the Vatopedi monastery in Mount Athos have no end. Now, when the justice has the word regarding real estate deals of the monks, Vatopedi managed to become leading news again. This time the monks are trying to prevent the appearance of masks, at the carnival in Patras, with the face of Abbot Ephraim, who was the brain behind the hundreds of Euros stolen from the Greek government.

The carnival in Patras is the same for Greeks as is the Rio de Janeiro carnival for the whole world. This is why the news that the Holy supervisor has sent a request to the mayor of the city Andreas Fouras, to stop the appearance of masks with the face of Ephraim at the carnival provoked an angry wave. “We are calling for restraint and the end of the non-sense comments, which will cause much spiritual harm to the society and a heavy moral responsibility to the ones responsible,” says the letter from the clergymen.

The case is even taken by the regional court of Patras, who was asked by the clergymen to order the “withdrawal of the masks because they are offending the religious feelings of the citizens.” So, the court will have to answer the question whether the satire will have limits, regarding people embody institutions or the satirist can express freely. The interesting thing is that the opinions in Patras differ.

The deputy mayor of the city, responsible for the culture and the carnival, says that this is satire of the everyday life and if an institution feels threatened by it, then it is that much worse for the institution itself. The creator of the mask Agni Stasinou admits that in her 10 practice as a artist, she has always been inspired by daily issues. The representatives of many religious and nationalistic organizations do not agree with her and they call for the municipality to ban the masks with Ephraim’s face, even if the court allows them.

It is interesting to note, that the freedom of expression belongs to Greeks and the first legal proceedings, which was dealing with exactly this fundamental philosophical topic, took place in Athens before…2500 years. Back then the Athenian court sentences to death Socrates by declaring him guilty on two charges – for corrupting young Athenians and for atheism. Even in the newer years, Greece continues to be agitated by this topic and the Greek court has to pass judgment on whether an artist can express him/herself freely regarding religious institutions.

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