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€ 8758 average salary in the Athenian electric railway company the deficit of which is € 250 million

29 November 2010 / 13:11:03  GRReporter
20791 reads

The most amazing revealments resulted after inspecting the costs of transport companies, one of them being the average salary of employees in the Athenian electric railway company, which equals € 8,758. The huge size of the average monthly salary in the electric railway company is even more amazing taking into account that its deficit reached around € 250 million in the last three years. The company employees earned this considerable wage by including most of the allowances to the basic salaries in the basic salary, which provided them revenue of € 123,000 in some cases.

Public transport companies have registered a total loss of € 3.4 billion so far and their fiscal consolidation is urgent in the process of reforming. According to representatives of ministerial circles, public transport companies in almost all European countries are not profitable but the goal is to limit the deficit of the Greek transport ganizations. One of the steps on the revenue side is increasing the transport tickets price from 1 to 1.5 euros per hour and a half for all lines in the city early next year. Another measure, which is considered much more urgent, is to reduce the allowances to the salaries of employees in transport companies and the relevant ministry to the four main types: allowance for served time, family allowance, allowances according to the position and the level of education.

Allowances for buses accepting and delivering (at the beginning and the end of the shift) or for suspenders changing by trolley drivers will be cancelled. Other bonuses to the salaries of employees in the transport services that will be cancelled are the allowances for technical errors in money handling (eg ticket vendors - if you do not make mistakes, we will give you a bonus), allowances for mileage traveled and the additional remuneration for drivers who reach the final stop on time. One feature that turned out to be the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure luxury but not very popular among public transport employees is the allowance for bread, cheese and yoghurt because the work in the public electric railway and bus transport is bad for the health.
Although some of the bonuses cuts are expected to reduce the gross amount of the monthly salary to 450 euros per employee, the real cut in expenditure in public transport will result from the elimination of overtime and unused days off. According to official figures from 2009, certain professionals such as drivers and technicians in the Athenian electric railway and bus companies recorded a secondary income reaching 50% of their basic salary. € 22 million for 400 unused days off, which is equivalent to 3350 daily shifts, were paid last year only in the public buses sector.

"Our goal is not to cut all the allowances to the salaries, which are not included in the basic salary. The desire of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure (Dimitris Repas-author’s note.) is the new salaries to be close to the average figure for Europe," clarified  the Ministry Chief Secretary Tsiokas Harris for Imerisia. According to the 2010 budget, salary costs for the employed in the bus transport company were € 274.33 million compared to € 319.41 million in 2009. Their amount will be reduced further to € 222.4 million in 2011. At the same time, last year revenues of bus companies were about € 193.93 million and this year they fell to € 177.62 million. The Ministry of Transport provides that it will be able to collect € 354.41 million and reduce significantly the gap between revenue and expenditure of public transport companies by increasing the ticket prices and tighter passenger control in 2011.

Tags: EconomyCompaniesAthenian electric railway companyDeficitPublic transport
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